Monday 29 August 2011

On the road again

It is with much delight, relief and eternal longing that I announce the next chapter of my Aireytales. With the courage and meaningful experiences I discovered in India and Sri Lanka firmly under my belt, I am on the road again for a 12 month trip to the far flung corners of our beautiful earth.

The travelling bug, it's infectious - that's how people talk about it. 'You've got the bug' 'you've been bitten' - as if you've come down with some dreadful disease. Well I'm quite pleased with how my own infection is taking shape. Taking a year away from normal life can be a big, head-scratching decision, but, for me, it was a natural one. Four months in India and Sri Lanka last year showed me the way - meeting inspiring people who were drifting from one country to the next, getting down to the bare bones of a place and carrying a bit of it with them as they continued to the next adventure.

And so, with their inspiring stories and collective charisma in mind, I booked my round the world flight, this time with a companion - my boyfriend, Med. So with 12 months ahead of us, my travelling bug is about to get the feast of its life!