Wednesday 28 April 2010

Land of Contrasts: Human traffic

What struck me in my first couple of days in Ernakulam (the mainland of Kochi), was the sharp contrast on the street. The gentle ebb and flow of the people, many of whom take time to stand around chatting or just observing, was so different from the people driving rickshaws, scooters, cars and buses.

Drivers are impatient and noisy and their vehicles are fast and jerky as they weave through the traffic. They appear not to the phased by the oncoming buses packed full of people - not if it means getting to their destination faster, faster, faster. And yet the people on the pavements seem unperturbed and the honks and loud engines don't seem to penetrate their laid back way of life.

Keralan's take it all in their stride until they get behind the wheel.

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