Tuesday 13 April 2010

Starting with Goodbye

So my first Aireytale starts with a Goodbye, or rather 'Alvida' (in Hindi).

With just an oversized backpack stuffed with crumpled clothes, far too sensible sandals and infinite bottles of Factor 50, I am heading to India: land of contrasts.

And the timing is oh so bittersweet.

It was my grandfather, Sydney Tierney, who first inspired my Indian curiousity. He spent three years exploring the country during the Second World War and spoke so fondly and vividly about these formative experiences. After each cherished conversation, I assured myself I would visit and take my very own piece of India away with me - just like him.

Sadly, he did not live to see me follow in his Indian footsteps as he passed away in March this year.

So, this one is for you, Grandad! I know you will be around every corner.

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